The Geek Patrol gets a little emotional as they discuss Bad Robot getting into Gaming, the current state of a galaxy far, far away, a celebrity good samaritan, tiny statues, and the near-fatal revenge of a dead reptile! There's so much angst in this season, you'll think it was a show on The CW!
Bad Robot, More Console! - 060818x2
JJ Abrams's production company is getting into the gaming business
All That And Brave, Too? - 060818x4
Doesn't matter if you can't remember his name, a group of muggers will always remember their encounter with Benedict Cumberbatch
It is a Time of Unrest in the Republic - 060818x5
The times seem bleak for the Star Wars Fandom. Can we do anything to close the rift?
I've Been Locked, and I've Been Loaded - 060818x6
There's a lot going on in the geekdom, and Brandon's gonna lay it all out for you