Geek Tank Radio: The Show That Never Ends...Almost

In the all-new season of Geek Tank Radio, it’s Telescope Season at the Memphis Astronomical Society, Brandon is plotting a trip to Chicago to see Hugh Jackman next summer, Brodee feels vindicated thanks to the Federal Trade Commission, Allan preps for the influx of American works coming to the Public Domain and Joe tries to give Jeremy Veldman an aneurysm in a new segment we call Conspiracy Nation!

It’s All In Your Head - 113018x1

Joe books the Geek Patrol with the perfect gag… on himself.

InSight Insites Insight - 113018x2

Allan gets the Geek Patrol up to date on all the amazing possibilities that the InSight mission could bring

CoD: Federal Trade Commission - 113018x3

At the urging of US politicians, the Federal Trade Commission has opened an investigation into the bane of Brodee’s existence, The Lootbox.

MAS Hysteria: Telescope Season - 113018x4

Jeremy Veldman preps the Geek Patrol for December’s Memphis Astronomical Society meeting, where they will help amateur astronomers with their first telescope purchase.

Going Public - 113018x5

Allan and Brandon talk about the Public Domain, and why January 1st, 2019 is gonna be awesome!

Hugh Jackman LIVE! - 113018x6

Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman, takes to the tour life as he plans a worldwide musical extravaganza!

Conspiracy Nation: The Moon is a HOAX! - 113018x7

Joe consults with Jeremy Veldman on the possibility that the moon is really an alien observation station keeping tabs on our planet.

The Divorce is Final - 113018x8

Despite still getting future visitation from Frank Castle and Jessica Jones, the cancellation of Daredevil has sealed the deal for most fans when it comes to the separation of Netflix and Marvel

How Fowl is Artemis? - 113018x9

Joe and Allan chime in on the Artemis Fowl trailer. 

Binge is LIFE - 113018x10

The guys have a rather mixed bag of watchables this season. Viewer Discretion is advised

Chaos isn’t Random - 113018x11

Bears, Flintstones, and Flatulence? Must be time for the Random Round-up

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